Once you are inspired by one of the examples on this website or you have ideas of your own, please contact me so we can brainstorm about it and I can make you an offer.

When you agree with the offer, I will get the (high resolution) pictures from you. Prefered to be sent with www.wetransfer.com, which is a very easy website to use without the usage of login's and passwords. You can also put the pictures on a stick or SD card and send them to me. When you have no idea how to get the (high resolution, more than 1MB) photographs from your pc, phone or tablet we can meet so I can do it for you.

After the time we agreed on, I will send you example pages of the product. This is the best time to add texts when you want to. When you agree on the content I will send you the bill of the first half. Once received, I let the product printed and make sure you get your photo book delivered.

Make my photo book




Mirjam van Balkom
